The Deadlift

The tension builds, you can hear iron clanking, men and Women grunting, people yelling and clapping from afar. There is a smell of sweat, cold iron and fear in the air. There is a white cloud of dust that fills the room, You can hear the faint sound of different music coming from many headphones.…

Events for 2018

March 5th- Texas Humane Heros 5k Leander March 24th-Spartan Sprint Houston April 8th- Austin Cap 10 k May 5th -Tridoc 5 k Austin TX May 19th-Spartan Super Burnet Tx May 20th Sprint Burnet Tx (Cancelled due to Weather) Sept 29th- Terain Racing OCR 5 k Austin TX Dec 8th-Spartan Beast, Mulberry Florida